Pilates in rehabilitation

A Pilates méltán elismert gyakorlatrendszer világszerte. A képzés gyógytornászok számára lett összeállítva: megismerheted belőle a módszer alapelveit, hasznosíthatóságát és bőséges gyakorlati anyagát.

It can be used in almost all specialities, from orthopaedics to sports rehabilitation! Logically structured theory, after a detailed explanation of the basic principles, you will learn practical material that will help you in your daily work. Back pain? Posture correction? Sports rehabilitation? Pilates has a wide range of applications, with progression and regression options for all your patients, you'll find a variation that's challenging enough for you!

Structure of the course:

  • The 6 basic principles of Pilates
  • Basic pilates excercises
  • Modification options for different complaints
  • Progressions with small tools
  • Using Pilates for back pain
  • Sport rehabilitation aspects

The price of the training: 49.900 HUF, which includes the notes and the diploma!

Do You have questions?

Our colleagues will be happy to help you, even by email. Contact us if you have any questions about the training!

The course will start next semester, we will inform you in case of pre-registration!
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