Functional assessments in rehabilitation

Difficulties in making a functional diagnosis?

Would you like to receive an evidence-based investigation protocol that makes it easy to find the real cause of your complaints? 

That was our aim in putting together our training! Our practical training will give you the tests and testing systems you need to get to the root of the problems. We have made not only testing, but also setting up treatment strategies part of the curriculum! It's missing material, with context that will radically change the way you think about rehabilitation!

Structure of the course:

  • Familiarisation with the corrective exercise continuum model: inhibition, stretching, activation, integration - are these the steps you use to plan your rehabilitation programme? If not, this will help you work more effectively!
  • Anatomy slings: do you know how to activate the deep longitudinal subsystem? Or the importance of the anterior oblique subsystem? They will help you to see the real connections: that's how your thinking will be really effective!
  • Synergists' feed-forward mechanism
  • Most common evidence-based causes of musculoskeletal problems
  • Motion analysis: functional tests to help you find the real source of the problem!
  • Special tests: to differentiate between protective and maladaptive muscle tensions
  • Corrective tasks - to put solutions in your hands

Price: 99.000 HUF

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Do You have questions?

Our colleagues will be happy to help you, even by email. Contact us if you have any questions about the training!

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